Accredited ADHD Coaching Courses / ackrediterade ADHD Coach utbildningar


Organised by STC Higher Education, Marie Enback, Carola Stivola/ADHD Malta, and ADHD Mind and Mission AB

Level 1: The Adult ADHD Coaching Approach, November , 2024

Length: 130 h

Status: 5 ECTS credits at European qualification framework EQF, level 5.

      • 30 contact hours
      • reading books from literature list
      • study theory, customised material from class
      • study of additional scientific research and articles
      • interactions and coaching practice with peers
      • written assignment for diploma and ECST- credits
      • interactions and coaching practice with peers

Applicants for level 1. ”The adult ADHD Coaching Approach”: Adults highly knowledgable on ADHD whom within their profession are in contact with persons with ADHD on a daily bases and wishes to learn how to apply ADHD Coaching skills in their communication. Contact hours stands for hours in class in person at STC Higher Education, Malta.

Two recordings of 1 : 1 peer sessions will need to be submitted for review. 5 ECTS credits and a diploma is awarded those who reach the requirement of completion and an approved examination within a time limit. 90 % attendance obligatory.

Group leader: The ADHD Group Coaching Course, November 2024

Length: 250 h

Status: 10 ECTS credits at European qualification framework EQF, level 5.

      • 35 contact hours
      • study theory and customised material from class
      • practising to lead groups according to manual
      • leading 8 group sessions under supervision
      • assignments and additional reading of articles and books

Applicants need to have completed the level 1 course to be accepted for level 2 , or be an experienced ADHD Coach already. Students learn about group dynamics and group processes. How to apply ADHD Coaching skills in a group setting. Contact hours stands for hours in class in person at STC Higher Education, Malta.

Graduation: 8 group coaching sessions are organised and led by students under supervision by trainer. Each session has a theme and a step by step-manual.

10 ECTS-credits are awarded after approved examination and successful period of session leading, where knowledge of theory and best-practice have been displayed.

For ECTS credits the courses are held in Malta at STC Higher Education.Exact dates for courses to be advised.

Obligatory attendance: 90 % .The rest of the education hours includes self studies, practising with peers, writing assignments and/or hours of supervision on line or by phone.

ADVANCED ADHD COACHING AND MENTORING, 37 H. Skills training and mentoring for ADHD Coach certification purposes: Requirements: Graduation from level 1. ” The ADHD Coaching Approach” or other coach education program. Being currently coaching adults with ADHD.This is a live, on line training 1,5 -2 h Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Starting: April 2024, August 2024 and November 2024.

”The adult ADHD Coaching Approach” for Psychologists/therapists London, OKtober 2024

”The adult ADHD Group Coaching course” for Psychologists, London, October 2024

All classes and supervision by trainer and Master Certified ADHD Coach Marie Enback

For further information and registration of interest (in any of the courses) click here

We follow the guidelines of Professional Association of ADHD Coaches´( PAAC) and their ADHD Coaching essentials.